Why is it so IMPORTANT to talk about conversations?
Episode disclaimer: Remember this is a personal podcast. Any views or opinions represented in this podcast are personal and do not represent those of people, institutions or organisations that the owner may or may not be associated with within a professional or personal capacity unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organisation, company, or individual.
These reflections are written by Emma Schneider and Julie Gillespie.

PURPOSE: Who is Julie?
WHAT TO EXPECT: What motivated the podcast series and how it will be structured. How we experience Conversations.
Who is Julie and why is it so important to talk about conversations?
Julie Gillespie Pty Ltd as you now see and hear, has been in the making for 4 years. What started out as conversations over a weekly afternoon coffee has turned into a company that now includes Mental Health First Aid training, Resilience Training, Team and Individual Coaching, Facilitation, and now a Podcast.
Why a podcast?
Julie learns best by having a conversation. She knows that conversations are an exploration to progress through to an answer or outcome. That it’s about setting up a safe space to be able to sit in the mess and figure it out with people. Her lived experience coupled with deep curiosity has given her the lived expertise to share her stories and knowledge about how conversations can be a good thing, and can even save a life.
The Podcast idea came about, after many people said, “What if I say the wrong thing?”. Through all of her interactions with clients Julie came to realise that people felt they were not allowed to have a conversation about Mental Health. That they may lose their job, or were seen as weak, excluded, or even pushed aside as a result. People said, “I don’t feel safe talking about my mental health, so I’ll protect myself and not say anything at all”.
Julie’s goal, with this podcast series, is to be a credible source of information and advocacy for businesses and people who have experienced mental illness. She is a Mental Wellbeing Facilitator, Trainer, and Coach, who comfortably sits with people and guides them into a safe space to be able to move through difficult or uncomfortable conversations. She is eager to find out what conversations are happening in the workplace and industry.

For individuals Julie wants to go deep into how they overcome the discomfort of a conversation.
For teams she wants to understand how important it is to gain clarity within the team, to move forward with purpose.
For businesses she wants to know what conversations are businesses allowing their people to have. And what are they showing their people that it’s ok to ask.
From conversations with industry leaders Julie knows that they are wanting more, pushing for more. They are starting conversations without knowing what the answer or outcomes are going to be.
From specialists, Julie wants to learn the Why behind our difficulties in having conversations, and what we can do to be functionally compassionate humans.
What is the series going to look like?
The podcast has given Julie a space to plan and look forward to the future. Currently Julie has 4 years worth of conversations she would love to have and share with the community. Initially there will be an episode once a month.
Each episode will come with supporting materials and articles. Listeners will have the opportunity to be curious and speak into each episode. This can be done in a number of ways. If the platform that viewers are listening to or watching this on allows for comments, then they can share their ideas, experiences or questions there. If there is no comment section we encourage listeners to reach out via email (supportjulie@gillespie.direct) or reach out on our Instagram page @converstations.with.julie.

What are Julie’s hopes for the podcast?
From an individual and personal perspective, this podcast has been a space where Julie can be hopeful. She has, for the first time in a long time, a plan that is greater than 6 months. From a business and product perspective, Julie hopes that this podcast will show that there is nothing smooth or linier about a conversation and that that is ok. She hopes that people will hear and see the truth of what is being said, so that the listeners can use the episodes to give them the courage to reach out with others and start their own conversations.
But Julie’s biggest hope is that listeners will learn that a conversation can save a life, just like how a simple, “hey, what’s happening right now?” saved Julie’s life.
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Conversations with Julie acknowledges the traditional owners of the land on which we all live, paying respect to elders, past, present and emerging. Julie honors the idea that shared stories are what connects us to the land, our ancestors, and each other.