The story of a
Mental Health First Aider®

We are so excited to be sharing the story of Mental Health First Aider®, Tofe Evans, and how the MHFA™ training has helped him. By gaining the knowledge and awareness of what situations could look like, and how to respond, Tofe was able to use the training immediately to support someone close to him.
Mental Health First Aid® plays such an important role within all conversations. It gives you the tools to be able to see when someone is struggling and say things that can make a difference.
Be able to SEE when someone is struggling and understand what may be going on for them. Grow your skills to be able to apply a solid framework that supports and encourages someone to reach for their appropriate professional help. Join us for the Mental Health First Aid® training by booking here.
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In this episode you will hear
(05:20) - Why choose to do the Mental Health First Aid® training
(23:00) - How being a Mental Health First Aider® helps with your own wellbeing
(24:50) - What is Practical Resilience
(36:00) - Avoiding the Drama Triangle
About Tofe

Tofe is no stranger to mental ill health. He initially used sleep and substance abuse as a gateway to push past his debilitating inner dialogue. With what Tofe refers to as 'the mailbox moment', this became a calling to take up running to stay physically and mentally fit. Short runs turned into marathons but came crashing to a halt from an identity crisis during a 345km ultramarathon across Scotland. He resorted to the one thing he had been putting off all these years; asking for help. It became the thing that broke the vicious cycle of insecure behavioural tendencies and saved his life. Today, you'll often see Tofe advocating for men's mental health & well-being and referring to his 'Practical Resilience' framework to change the narrative that adversity is serving us. Tofe has applied an MHFA approach to his personal and professional life as a marketer and his experience in podcasting and candidate experience.
💚Advocate for men’s Mental Health and well-being
💬Communication Specialist
📖Author: Everyone Has a Plan until Sh!t Hits the Fan
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