What creating a SAFE SPACE for a conversation actually looks like. Part A
In this episode, we talk to Helen Palmer, the Founder, Author and Creator of Self unLimited.
Julie and Helen talk about some of the responsibilities of the Self unLimited Framework and how they directly relate to feeling safe and setting up a safe space for a conversation.
This episode concentrates on understanding that our 'Reign', our empowered belief of who we are, sets the scene for us feeling safe and being able to hold a safe space for someone else.
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Our Reflections
By Emma Schneider and Julie Gillespie
Creating a SAFE SPACE for a conversation?
Kicking the episode off, Julie and Helen talk about the Workscape framework and how it directly relates to feeling safe and setting up a safe space for a conversation.
There are responsibilities that sit with our Workscape, and we unpack 3 of them to demonstrate how we can empower ourselves - these include Reign, Rules and Relationships. (The other 4 responsibilities are Reputation, Resources, Renewal, and Revenue)
In this episode though Julie and Helen are focusing on Reign and the importance of your choices, values and your value that you add.
The full Reflections article can be found here.
Articles from Helen Palmer that relate to this podcast:
Value Exchange - What are you exchanging your value for? Check it out here
About Helen
Helen Palmer, creator of the Self unLimited(TM) concept and founder of Questo, is proudly from the land of the long white cloud, Aotearoa as the Maori called it, New Zealand as it is commonly known. Bred from NZ stock, she’s typical of the cultural Kiwi spirit: Taking a lead in worldly trends; a Swiss-Army knife of skills to deploy to any situation; and a belief that you can do amazing things with few resources.
In her workscape she’s led teams while working for others, provided consulting services to clients in Australia and NZ, regularly blogged, been a leader in professional groups, spoken at conferences, created training courses, delivered training courses, lectured at university, influenced the design of university courses, mentored, and wrote a book.
📖 Book - https://www.be-selfunlimited.com/book/
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⬆ E-learning resources https://www.be-selfunlimited.com/learning/elearning-options/
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